Mobile Veterinary Services for Birds and Fish

PO Box 1274
Taylors, SC, SC 29687


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions/answers that we are frequently asked. If you have additional questions that aren't covered here, please feel free to give us a call.

1. What are your hours?

   Home visit appointments are scheduled Tuesday thru Thursday. We have no public office nor clinic

2. Do I need to have an appointment?

    Yes, patients are seen by appointment.

3. What forms of payment do you accept?

     Cash, American Express, Mastercard, Discover and Visa. I accept Zelle, either for visits or particularly when we mail followup medications. We do not accept CareCredit.

4. Can I make payments?

    Payment is required at the time of service.

5.  Do you board pets?

  No we don't board pets.

6. I just want a wing and nail trim. Do I also have to pay for an exam?

We only perform maintenance or "grooming" with birds in conjunction with a specialist exam/consultation. Some pet retailers can provide the wing and nail services only, however they appear to be scarce in SC.

7. I found a injured/orphaned wild bird. Can you help or pick it up?

We do not treat wildlife. Greenville area citizens looking for assistance with found or injured wildlife call  864-233-0339

Mobile Veterinary Services

Birds & Fish
PO Box 1274
Taylors, SC 29687
(does not receive text messages)

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Avian History Form Avian History Form QR Code 

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